Buckinghamshire Council

Design & page layout for quarterly magazine

Being located in Buckinghamshire, we were delighted when Buckinghamshire Council selected us to design and layout their quarterly magazine design ‘Your Buckinghamshire’. The magazine is distributed to over 250,000 residents across Buckinghamshire to highlight key council information, events and topical news.

Our team were responsible for the overall magazine concept design, page layout, image sourcing and illustration.

Bringing the magazine to life …

Working closely with the marketing team at Buckinghamshire Council, we established a fresh new typographic hierarchy with contemporary typefaces, developed new page grids and injected additional vibrancy with the use of full-page imagery overlayed with large typography and graphic features.

The response to the magazines new look and feel had been overwelmingly positive, some have said that they wouldn’t ordinarily read a door drop magazine – but this one came through the door and they immediately wanted to read it!

You can check out some other work we have done with the Council here.

"We needed to produce a residents’ magazine totally from scratch. We needed a great front cover and good page design to help people navigate their way through the content. From the start we were impressed by Blooberry’s examples of work. We have now produced two editions of the magazine with the team at Blooberry. I’m delighted to say that we’ve had really positive feedback about the look and feel of the magazine."
Sue Robinson, Buckinghamshire Council