The European Cancer Patient Coalition

Brand identity and webste design & build for a European charity organisation

The European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) is the largest cancer patients association in Europe. They represent people affected by all types of cancers. We were invited to present at ECPC’s head office in Brussels and were delighted to be awarded the pitch for their rebrand, web design and development.

Following several planning sessions we helped ECPC reinvent their website architecture and content plan. We then undertook full project scoping, planning, wireframing, rebranding, brand and web concept design, development and content population.

ECPC website on a laptop, ipad and iphone on a desk Logo design for ECPC by Blooberry Creative
ECPC website screen on a laptop 2 mobile phones showing ECPC website screens
ECPC desktop screen on a desk

Refreshing the ECPC brand …

For ECPC’s new brand we developed a contemporary brand identity which combines a simple, modern sans serif typeface with a striking abstract ribbon brand stamp. The existing colour palette was enhanced by brightening up the blue tones and introducing a fresh green and soft grey.

Our website concept was designed in a structured style, using full width imagery and clear content blocks. Resulting in a modular structure giving the ECPC team the ability to present complex information in a striking and easy-to-read way. They also have the flexibility to edit and add content with ease. Development also included the creation of multi-lingual options, complex databases, e-modules and extensive downloadable materials.

You can check out the website here.

ECPC website screen on a mobile someone is holding Ipad showing ECPC website screen
"The Blooberry team visited the ECPC board members at our offices in Brussels and we were immediately impressed with their enthusiasm for the brand and website project. The whole process was a positive experience for us. They made a very challenging project run very smoothly. From the account managers and designers through to the development team we found them professional and fun to work with. We now have a brand and website we can be proud of and are now able to reach out to our audience with ease."
ECPC representative